Nicole Maria Ballesteros

Storyboard Artist



I’m Nicole! I’m a storyboard artist! I like drawing, playing music, and dancing around in the kitchen with my cat! While I’ve dedicated the past three years to storyboarding, I also love to animate, as well as experiment with 3D programs!

Storytelling is something that resonates deeply with me, as I don’t just view it as a form of entertainment, but as a means of preserving memories and sharing experiences with others. I believe we can all learn from everything and each other. This philosophy fuels my work in storyboarding, as I believe in the power of  visual narratives to connect and inspire. 

You can find my work on Instagram, ArtStation, and Vimeo. Or you can simply browser around on here! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me on Linkedin, or at

I hope you enjoy my work!